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Telepsychiatry is the practice of psychiatry-specific telemedicine. The field of psychiatry is inherently well-suited to using telemedicine techniques as there is generally no physical exam component involved during appointments. These days, most telepsychiatry is done via real-time televideo-conferencing methods very similar to a Skype or FaceTime session. As long as you are at a location with reasonably fast internet access, you can see an online psychiatrist for your appointment.

POV provides adult mental health services from 18 to 55 years old.

This is a benefit for YOU as it offers you CONFIDENTIALITY. No one will know about your personal mental health concerns except you and your psychiatrist. No third party will intrude upon your private relationship with your psychiatrist nor try to dictate your care.

Yes, we work with a broad range of therapists in the community. The specific referral will depend on your individual circumstances and needs.

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